Новейшая из больших палаток, Marstall – украшенная с лошадьми из карусель – былa официальнa известa как Hippodrom, или просто ‘хип’. Принадлежа той же самой семье Kalbs Kuchl палатка, Marstall обслуживает Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu 4200 толпе.
Фото Галерея
Видео Галерея
Marstall Reservation Availability
We do not currently have inventory for Marstall available online. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t have some offline. Please call our office at +1-404-846-8466 or submit a Custom Package request online to see what magic we can perform for you!
Reservation Availability By Date
Select the date you would like to attend Oktoberfest for tent reservations we have online for both lunch and evening sessions.
All Oktoberfest Packages include reservations at original reservation/voucher price. Prices quoted on phone, email, or displayed on website, and invoiced are for packages which include; original cost of reservation, food/beer vouchers or equivalent, booking fees, service for delivery, acquisition, logistics, translation services, Oktoberfest guide and help desk. We are an independent package supplier and may obtain reservations from a third party. We sell packages prior to receiving reservations and before they are issued by the tents. All reservations will be in the original table reservation host name, you will be a guest of that host. Your name will not be on the reservation. All services are provided from the United States and package items are not sold separately. See our complete terms...
We are not affiliated with nor are we the official Oktoberfest box office nor do we represent the host tents in anyway. Any and all copyrights, trademarks, or trade names used within our web sites are for descriptive purposes only.
* Big Tent Package explained: Prices for specific large festival tent on a specific date and session can vary a lot. The ‘Big Tent Package’ was designed for the cost conscious traveler who doesn’t have a need for a specific tent during their visit. This flexibility on your part gives us the opportunity to book your reservation in one of the 14 big festival tents that represents the best tent, at the best value, for the date and time you select. We will notify you with the name of the tent and delivery details approximately 5 days prior to your reservation.
Ищете что-то еще?
Если вы или ваша группа нуждается в специальном пакете адаптированна к вашим потребностям, свяжитесь с нашим отделом продаж!
Пользовательские пакеты
Карта Октоберфест
Marstall Информация
Собственники: Siegfried and Sabine Abele and friends
Вместимость: 3,200 Внутри палатки, 1,000 За пределами палатки
Empire Entertainment and Travel, Inc. buys and resells Oktoberfest tent reservations on the secondary market. Prices may be above face value. We are not affiliated with nor are we the official Oktoberfest box office nor do we represent the host tents in anyway. Any and all copyrights, trademarks, or trade names used within our web sites are for descriptive purposes only. Photography used on the site is the intellectual property of Empire Entertainment and Travel and cannot be used without expressed permission.See our complete terms...
We are not affiliated with nor are we the official Oktoberfest box office nor do we represent the host tents in anyway. Any and all copyrights, trademarks, or trade names used within our web sites are for descriptive purposes only.